Homemaker & Companion Agency

INSPIRE 2 CARE companion care services can include meal preparation, light housekeeping, errands and shopping. If your family member, friend or loved one enjoys being independent but is struggling with everyday activities, elderly companion care is a good solution. We can manage their daily requirements with specialized elderly companion care and can match their needs with the best available caregiver.

Senior Companions assist others to maintain the highest level of dignity and independent living that is possible. Companions help out home-bound adults by assisting with a range of activities such as shopping, chores, interacting with doctors, or just making a friendly visit. These non-medical services help make a senior's life more manageable. Senior companions are essential eyes and ears for family members and supporting agencies involved with the senior. Most importantly, they act as a friend who listens and cares. A senior companion can offer assistance in various ways, for example:

Our Services